Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Finding your source of happiness in the work place

My wife, Kim, and I recently attended a family wedding in my hometown of Cincinnati; my sister, Marian, celebrated the nuptials of one of her sons. The bride and groom, Jenna and Eric, were fine examples of sound family values and upbringing.   During the rehearsal dinner, my brother, Dick, spoke and noted that any successful marriage depends not only on love, but also passion.  Since he and his wife Barb have been married for 51 years, he should know! 

As this thought matured in my head, I arrived at the conclusion that his comment applied to much more than just this great young couples new commitment to each other.

In every phase of our lives, including our work-lives, where we spend so much of our time, love and passion come into play.  For each of us to truly enjoy our lives, we should be in a position in our working lives where we feel that God has called us to our positions.  This thought will provide a feeling of both love and passion that will inspire an ever-improving personal performance!  Not only will you see the difference, but so will your superiors, customers, clients and coworkers. It will ultimately bring you the success you desire, and the best part is, you’ll deserve it and have earned it without it feeling like a chore.

It’s this very sentiment that inspires our annual Pool School event.  I’m certain that the 350 teammates, including both suppliers and customers, who recently enjoyed our Royal Caribbean excursion to Haiti and Jamaica, will agree that the Pool School 2016 event provided time for both reflection and learning.

The isolation of the ocean allows time to disconnect from the everyday routine and reconnect with those around you. In this case, that included friends, coworkers, families, customers, and suppliers. It helped reward everyone for their hard work, while allowing them to explore the various ways of growing their business.  The new learning track on personal health and wellness was also a welcome addition to this year’s event. Our very own Coach Andrea made sure to emphasize the importance of a healthy work-life balance and the importance of choosing happiness, and living a JOY-full life.

I know that during my 43 years (so far) here at Team Horner, I’ve always felt very lucky to be in this position, and so happy to be a part of a great team!  Being a part of growing this team has always felt like a part of God’s plan for me… and the conversion this year to an Employee-Owned company has only enhanced this feeling of love and passion for the work we do here every day.

I’ll leave you with this thought, “enjoy every day and spend your time developing God’s plan for you.”  You will find your purpose and your passion, and your quality of life will improve drastically.

The BEST is always yet to come in every phase of our lives!